Friday 16 December 2011

Cabin fever

I'm starting to go a little crazy sitting still. This happens a lot where I start to get fed up with this town and everything in it and badly desire to load up the caravan and hit the road. It could be my gypsy nature compelling me to the road, or it could be that the politics of this town are starting to weigh heavily on me that are driving my desire to get away, but sadly I am stuck until it gets warmer.
I was supposed to be going to the little town of Combermere and seeing about some handspun yarn from the Madonna house, but plans have fallen through and here we are stuck here still. At least it gives me time to get some of my larger projects done (or at least started) such as the cabled poncho I've had sitting in Queue for the last 8 months and I'm still working on that monthly patch afghan (yay! 3 down 9 to go!) and I've been working on the schematics to a sweater and wristwarmer combo for my cosplay to Anime north in May. Thank the goddess I got my Yule knitting done with time to spare. I hope everyone will be very happy with what I've made them.
So I suppose since travel will not be happening for the next 4 months *sigh* I guess I'll bury myself in my work and try desperately to ignore the local yarn shop politics.
Cheers and blessed Yule!
Berlynn The knitting gypsy

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Distracted... again

Have you ever started a project only to start another one 3 days later without picking up the first one again? Not only have I done that the last 2 weeks but 2 of the projects I have on the go aren't even Yule gifts! Okay, one is a draft stopper I've been planning for months and since the snow is supposed to be flying soon (though hopefully not because I hate having wet pant-legs)... you get the idea.  The other thing I'm working on is an afghan. mostly because when I was freezing my rear off on the shores of the Burnt River I kept thinking how nice it would be if I had a cozy cabled afghan about now. It probably didn't help that I was reading a magazine featuring some really nice cabled afghans in it, but none-the-less I was determined to knit an afghan! (stupid me I'll be done it in July)
Anyways, knitting ADD aside, I have got about half of my Yuletide knitting done, save for a few dozen dishcloths I have to make.
No time for roaming right now, not with end of terms coming up, yule knits and visions of sugar cookies dancing through my head. I think it might make me feel less overwhelmed and distracted if I prioritized a little better. Maybe make a list or something?
Anyways cheers for now from the hectic and (sadly) stationary
Berlynn the Knitting Gypsy

Thursday 27 October 2011

Relaxing in Cottage Country

Thank god for reading week sabbaticals. It gives us students a chance to get our stress levels back to neutral, finish that book we've been trying to finish reading since summer and catch up on 8 weeks of laundry at our parents house. For me I've taken the opportunity to get a jump on the many articles of Christmas knitting I have thoughtfully agreed to fulfill. So here I am at my mom's new digs along the Burnt River (quite the spectacular view but freezing as hell) working feverishly on hats until I run out of yarn or my fingers go numb. Whatever happens first.
So, on further exploration of the towns in the region in search of a LYS, you could well imagine my horror that there are NO yarn shops between Peterborough and Haliburton. Yes, that is a complete 50 km radius of no fibre related craft stores... unless you count the moderate selection available at Lindsay's Zellers store, but even that is pretty out of the way.
Now maybe I've just lived with all of the conveniences of the city too long, or maybe I'm just wrong in my theory, but in such peaceful surroundings such as this shouldn't there be at least 1 small town with a little yarn store?
I love it up here, (well I should, I'm from here originally) and the fact that there is no LYS anymore drives me nuts. Perhaps if I ever move back to this area I'll start one of my own! Ha ha! a brilliant idea and use of my business know-how! However I think I may need a more permanent set of wheels before I move to a place where I know I would suffer from yarn withdrawl.
Anyways a very relaxed cheers from me as next week its back to the rat races!
Berlynn The Knitting Gypsy

Sunday 16 October 2011

Uh... huh...

Well its been an interesting month. I haven't really been around much to blog and have otherwise not really felt like it. My knitting group that I had quit decided to further humiliate me by uninviting me to their knit nights I had already quit. Pretty stupid really, but oh well. That being said I've been spending alot of time alone planning out some more new plushie patterns and so there will be more coming soon!


Saturday 3 September 2011

Invasion of the nerdy knits!!!!

So my husband and I made another trek to Toronto, this time to take part in our first sci-fi convention. That's right, after nearly a year of working on costumes (sporadically. If I had  worked on it continually it may have only taken maybe a month?) We finally made it to Fan Expo! We cosplayed as Yamcha and Bulma from Dragonball, and took my little hand knit Puar with us, and to my surprise everybody that laid eyes on her gushed about how cute she was! *blushes* Even the voice actors thought it was cute! hee hee.
Anyways we went along the artists row, which I figured meant comic book or sketch only. but there were a fleet of fibre artists there too! There were people selling hand sewn plushies, crocheted amigurumis and even people selling knit kits to make their own scarves and plushies! I wanted one of these kits for a knitted Kraken, but knew I really didn't need more on my already overflowing plate. I'd ended up leaving the epic tabi socks at home, (as it was really hard to knit in gloves) but made up for it by completing my first sock! woo hoo! I have no idea why I was so freaked about the formula for creating socks, but I know for sure I'll be making more!
Also I've been working at my own version of Edward Elric's (See Full Metal alchemist) long red duster for the upcoming winter months and some of my Christmas presents... at least the ones I know what to make for them.
Plus I have to start switching to quicker projects soon because my last semester of school will be starting soon and I know how pissy the lecturers get when you knit in their presentations.
But I digress; its late, I have a cold and I'm unsure when I'll be able to blog again. Anyways here is a pic of my lovely Puar in her completed glory.
Until next time my friends,
Berlynn, the Knitting Gypsy

Wednesday 24 August 2011

oh T.O!

Yes I've returned home again from another journey; this time trading in the caravan for train tickets and visiting the bustling metropolis of Toronto. It was during the CNE (on a side note I got to see a pair of Marilyn Monroe's shoes, and am happy to discover she was long in the foot too. *grins*) and we departed from home extremely early. It was a long ride though, so luckily I'd brought along enough yarn to start on what will be known as the epic socks (because they are the first ones I've ever made). I shopped like mad, as is to be expected at the CNE, picking up some nice exotic clothing and gems. I got such a nasty sunburn though that we went back to the hotel fairly early... okay so it was after supper, but that's still pretty early in my books! Anyway, the hotel was lovely, but albeit a bit small. Not at all like the Holiday Inn here, which the rooms would probably be equal to two of these rooms, but it was lovely none-the-less.What surprised me was while we were at the pool there was someone else there knitting at poolside; it just made me smile to see someone else knitting in a public area.
after a well earned rest we set off to Kensington market (and got rained on) in search of the famed Lettuce Knit, only to discover that they had moved down the road and they no longer carried either of the items I was looking forward to purchasing there. It was a lovely and very spacious store, and despite there being a lack of brittany needles and alchemy yarn I still loved the store and walked away with some lovely Berrocco yarn. (to which my  darling better half responded with "you spent $12 on that?" which is why he should never enter the realm of yarn shops as it would thoroughly blow his mind.)
I really wanted to hit Romni wools and its awesome clearance room I've heard so much about (half off noro and knitlites oh my! I would never leave!!!), but I was so exausted from shlepping my 40lb backpack around town that I just wanted to go home. (that and I would have most likely have ended on hubby's shit-list if I went anywhere NEAR another yarn shop.) So oh well, I suppose Romni and the Knit Cafe shall have to wait for another time, but I hope that I can still score some of that noro!
Berlynn, the knitting gypsy

Thursday 4 August 2011

Coming soon: Anime Patterns!

So the Gembouree was fun, but due to some technical difficulties (the car decided to pick this weekend to die) we didn't make the detour to Janknits studio. Oh well, I guess another weekend. So I'm currently working on a pattern of my own design of a small cat named Puar from the anime Dragonball. So far its really cute, but am having a great deal of difficulty getting the head right.
However I will be posting my little Puar Pattern as soon as I get it perfected!

Berlynn, the knitting Gypsy

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Home again!

Kingston was a beautiful city! i'm not sure why though, but the other members of my little caravan got extremely antsy and eager to leave. So therefore I didn't get to visit wool-tyme (this time), however, I will be returning again in September for a few days and an opportunity may present itself. So, I've returned home to Peterpatch for now, but will be departing again soon for the land of my ancestors; the Haliburton highlands and Bancroft for the weekend. As many of you know, Haliburton is home of Janknits studios (a place I've been dying to go to!) and Indigo dragonfly yarns; some of the most yummy yarns I've ever had the pleasure of working with. (also the most expensive, justified by pointing out the cashmere content.) As for Bancroft (no knitting shops, major sad-face) We're attending the Rockhound Gembouree. Gem mining and collecting is something I've done since I was a small girl (old enough not to try eating them at least.) and is another event that I've always wanted to participate in.
The month of August is going to be a busy one as well. With a trip to Port Hope and Cobourg in the plans, Toronto twice and then back to Kingston after that!
So, I may not have the time to blog, but I will try to find the time somewhere in my travels.
Happy Knitting!
Berlynn, The Knitting Gypsy.

Sunday 17 July 2011

The Caravan departs!

Well, Since I've last been around I finished my mysterious lady capelet for the Pridie Collection... though I was sort of indifferent about the results. I was thinking of frogging it and redoing it, but it serves its purpose of warm shoulders, so either way its not so bad. Perhaps after a season of enjoyment I'll try again.
This week I'll be packing up my gypsy caravan for the city of Kingston; a place that I haven't been in almost 10 years. Though the voyage is mainly for the purpose of my husband's health, I hope to get in a little perusal of what Kingston has to offer a nomadic knitter such as myself.
One place I intend to visit is Wool-Tyme; once the mecca chain store for knitters in Ontario (I used  to frequent the one in Peterborough for corking yarns as a girl)it is now reduced to a few obscure locations in some major cities. Though mostly for nostalgia's sake I do intend to search out a few balls of emerald green red heart for another fall cape I intend to make, and some stitch holders and markers as well (as all of mine seem to be occupied, and though a kilt pin does in a pinch, its far too heavy for anything delicate.).
I've seen reviews for other yarn shops just outside of the city, but I think one stop should be enough. Besides, we will probably need to spend some time taking in the sights too!
I'll be back after this voyage is though!
Berlynn, The Knitting Gypsy

Friday 8 July 2011

Gotta finish gotta finish!!!!

Well, since I last had the opportunity to blog I've been approached by a friend to make something with this awesome new yarn by red heart boutique, and (here's the tricky part) its due Tuesday. See its for display purposes and besides I've never really been good at anything worth making a display over, so how could I pass it up?
So,feeling a touch on the over ambitious side I decided to make the capelet that I didn't actually intend to start until September and I'm actually surprised at how well it has turned out so far! All that's left to do on it is finish the neckline edge (in 3 inches of crochet. ACK!) and make and attach the hood, which can be done after the due date. So far so gorgeous!

Monday 27 June 2011

the gamer quilt!

A few months back (actually when I was battling flu in April) I came up with this idea to make some intarsia swatches of video game theme and stitch them together to make a quilt for my husband. I've decided to make 1 design a month because I've got so many other projects on the go, but I may increase the number as I go.
My first two months swatches were a process of trial and error, but after making June's swatch I think I've got this intarsia thing mastered! So here's what I've done so far and the designs in the plan (photos will be included as I finish them):
April: The legend of Zelda Triforce
As you can tell it came out a little wonky and squished on the bottom, but its not bad for a first try with someone else's graphing.
May: Final fantasy Chocobo
This was my first try graphing myself and even though its really tiny its really cute!

June: Super Mario Red Mushroom
This one turned out absolutely perfect! It was a busier pattern, but after doubling the stitches both vertically and horizontally (4 sts for 1 sq. of graph.) it fit perfectly in the square and looked fantastic!
July:Super Mario Fireflower (starting it on Wednesday)
August: Legend of zelda Link
September: Final fantasy Black mage
October: Super mario Mario himself!
November: Super mario item box
December: super mario Star power!
January: Final fantasy red mage
February: Final fantasy warrior
March: Super Mario Yoshi
And so on... hopefully I can get more of these done than one a month or else I'm going to be working on this forever. Maybe I should double it up to do two a month.

What a beautiful day to catch up!

Well, I know its been awhile; but I've been a little busy. I got a field placement at a hotel (yay!) and am still holding off on my shopping until I get to Toronto... which was postponed now twice. Perhaps next weekend? I'm dying here! I want my gorgeous Brittany needles! (and to find a store that sells lantern moon because damn are they gorgeous and kawartha yarns went tits up last year. *sigh*)
Anyhoo, I was also helping to arrange a knitter's fair for charity, which was awesome even though the attendance sucked. (and yes I bent the shopping rule again, but nothing over $20 and I won more pomp-a-doodle than I can shake a stick at.) But that was taking up my blogging time. That and getting re-addicted to super nintendo and some much valued reading time. (1 book down, 4 more to go through my little cozy!)
So the royal pain in the ass kimono is still not done. I discovered I've been doing the burgundy swatches wrong and so, being thoroughly annoyed I banished it to the corner to collect dust for now. On the bright side I finally finished my scrap skirt project that has been going since new years eve, however it needs some size adjustments.
Today I finished my first dpn project of an amigurumi yoda for my husband. It is so adorable, and so easy! However I still loathe the dpns especially since accidentally stabbing myself in the rib with one of the little blighters!
Anyways, today I'm just hanging out in the sunshine and working on an adorable sundress for my niece who turns 3 in August. It's going to take a great deal of diligence to get this one done on time!
Happy knitting!
Berlynn, The knitting gypsy

Monday 25 April 2011

what a progressive month it has been!

April has been so progressive month! .I've managed to curb my spending habits (save it for the big city baby!), started a hat I've been commissioned for for a raffle, finished some of those lingering projects (call it spring cleaning) and as of now finished school for the summer months! yay! Now I'm on the job search and have decided to knit until my hearts content... or at least until it gets too hot to play with thick wool.

However, it all has to remain on hold until I shake this nasty cold/allergy. 'Tis the season to be congested and so knitting will be all that I do for a little while. I'm currently trying to finish up my Kimono dress, which is taking longer than anticipated considering its made of swatches. also I've been working on a colourful little paperback sleeve to keep pages from getting bent. I plan on using this a lot on my long sabbatical from school.
So, its back to the needles and leftover turkey made into soups and sandwiches for me for the next little while, but not before picking up some much needed noro, gingerale and tissues.
Happy Knitting! *cough cough*
Amber The Knitting Gypsy
this is the kabuki dress I'm making from good housekeeping 1970. its being quite tedious.

Thursday 31 March 2011

I've really blown it this time...

my husband stumbled across my latest acquisitions. He was trying to make a payment on my now MAXED credit card and noticed the yarn and knitting store purchases. 15 dollars at cropcircles(2 pairs of chiao goos which are heavenly!!!), 50 dollars at needles in the hay (that one was the worst, but so worth it!) and the 15 dollars paypal to fabulous yarns in New York for my lackluster "nickel" needles, and painfully un-victorian victorian Surina wood needles.
Needless to say he's mad. REALLY MAD, tonight I'm selling some of my cds to try and pay off the wopping 400 dollars I spent in a month on a credit card with no means to pay back.
So now, having been stripped of all finances including debit cards (which are completely empty so what's the point?) I have now made the vow of no more yarn, no more needles, no more unnecessary  supplies! I will not do this ever again... I also have to find a way to ditch the gym membership that I know my husband won't pay for... hopefully before he finds out...

Saturday 26 March 2011

I've got blisters on me fingers!!!!

HAHA!!!! It's finally done! I finished the blanket sometime around 3 am this morning and now its ready to go to my friend as soon as I figure out how to get it to her. I broke down and bought my chiao goos so that I can start on my lacy leg warmers in the lovely indigodragonfly colour hootinany. Its going to be gorgious! I've also taken an interest in the knitting patterns of the earlier half of the 20th century and have found a few gatsby era patterns that look worth a try.

Sunday 20 March 2011

confessions of a shopaholic

Hello, my name is Berlynn and I'm a shopaholic. I`ve gotten so bad with buying knitting stuff that its starting to get ugly. First i was buying crazy amounts of random yarns just for the love of the colour of it, even going so far as picking up a 28 dollar ball of Indigo Dragonfly with no clue what to do with it. I swore off yarn for awhile and then transferred my obsessive compulsive shopping habits to needles. When I came out of the knitting closet in November I owned 4 sets of needles; 5mm metal, 8mm plastic, 12mm plastic and a 5mm pair of 60`` circs. also plastic. Then it grew to 2 pairs of metal circs, then a pair of 6mm bamboo, now I`ve raided the good ol`second hand store up the road of 3 pairs of metal needles and a bag to keep them all in. And then I knew the habit was getting out of control when I bought a pair of Surina wood needles and some nickel/brass speed circs on my credit card on line and considered buying some Harmony wood circs just because they are pretty to look at.
EEK! I`ve got to slow down! Okay, no more knitting merch until I finish the 4 projects I have on the go... well maybe at least 2 of them.
The blanket is coming along steadily and I know I have to finish the shawl, which the yolk is about half way, so maybe after that when I go to toronto I`ll get my Brittany Birch and Russian Hand painted Peacefleece needles... and then my Chiao goos from cropcircles in various sizes!!!
Oh my god I have a problem.... okay 1 pair of chiao goos... really small ones. then I`ll retire the credit card for awhile.....

Sunday 13 March 2011

ACK! creeping deadlines!

Hmm, just found out my friend that I've been making the baby blanket for is due in 50 days! Jeez that's soon! I guess I better put the dress patches on the back burner and just have the blanket and chemo hats on the go. I also will have to try making the really small baby beanies again, but I had to frog that project. Besides I have a sewing project that is due before the end of may too for my husband. SHIT!!!!! all of this plus impending school projects of doom!!! Ok, gotta breathe... just 2 things at a time... school is important, work on Chemo hats in lectures and whenever I can, blanket at home and will get to the sewing project whenever. GAAAAHH!!!!

Thursday 10 March 2011

like a cat in a catnip patch

Yarn sales have struck again, and in turn so have I. I was running to get a video game for my husband and found myself encountered with the big M. That's right, the mecca of the crafting world. I went in telling myself that I would be good, maybe a cheap pair of needles... I certainly didn't need anymore yarn!
I walked out with 4 skeins.
2 cotton, some beautiful lion brand wool mix and a skein of baby clouds, which I needed to finish the baby blanket for my friend Fe.
The other 3 balls I haven't figured out what to do yet, possibly more chemo hats, maybe work on a junk afghan. who knows?

Wednesday 2 March 2011


I'm a first time blogger, and I figured that I would blog about my adventures in knitting on the go and the various projects I'm working on. So, here's a bit about me. I'm 23, and have been knitting irregularly since I was 14. My Gran taught me on an old and slightly bent pair of aero needles (5mm) and leftover yarn from an old afghan. I made a scarf... then another scarf... and so on and so on for almost 9 years before I figured out why I couldn't figure out purling was that I was knitting completely backwards. So now here I am knitting the right way and even knitting in the round to boot! So this blog is about the learning experience, patterns I`m trying and other useful tips.