Wednesday 16 November 2011

Distracted... again

Have you ever started a project only to start another one 3 days later without picking up the first one again? Not only have I done that the last 2 weeks but 2 of the projects I have on the go aren't even Yule gifts! Okay, one is a draft stopper I've been planning for months and since the snow is supposed to be flying soon (though hopefully not because I hate having wet pant-legs)... you get the idea.  The other thing I'm working on is an afghan. mostly because when I was freezing my rear off on the shores of the Burnt River I kept thinking how nice it would be if I had a cozy cabled afghan about now. It probably didn't help that I was reading a magazine featuring some really nice cabled afghans in it, but none-the-less I was determined to knit an afghan! (stupid me I'll be done it in July)
Anyways, knitting ADD aside, I have got about half of my Yuletide knitting done, save for a few dozen dishcloths I have to make.
No time for roaming right now, not with end of terms coming up, yule knits and visions of sugar cookies dancing through my head. I think it might make me feel less overwhelmed and distracted if I prioritized a little better. Maybe make a list or something?
Anyways cheers for now from the hectic and (sadly) stationary
Berlynn the Knitting Gypsy