Wednesday 16 November 2011

Distracted... again

Have you ever started a project only to start another one 3 days later without picking up the first one again? Not only have I done that the last 2 weeks but 2 of the projects I have on the go aren't even Yule gifts! Okay, one is a draft stopper I've been planning for months and since the snow is supposed to be flying soon (though hopefully not because I hate having wet pant-legs)... you get the idea.  The other thing I'm working on is an afghan. mostly because when I was freezing my rear off on the shores of the Burnt River I kept thinking how nice it would be if I had a cozy cabled afghan about now. It probably didn't help that I was reading a magazine featuring some really nice cabled afghans in it, but none-the-less I was determined to knit an afghan! (stupid me I'll be done it in July)
Anyways, knitting ADD aside, I have got about half of my Yuletide knitting done, save for a few dozen dishcloths I have to make.
No time for roaming right now, not with end of terms coming up, yule knits and visions of sugar cookies dancing through my head. I think it might make me feel less overwhelmed and distracted if I prioritized a little better. Maybe make a list or something?
Anyways cheers for now from the hectic and (sadly) stationary
Berlynn the Knitting Gypsy


  1. Hi Berlynn! I was searching for a yarn store or knitting classes in Lindsay and came upon your blog (and not much else!) : ( I've moved here from Ottawa to go to Fleming College and am still getting familiar with the area.

    I'm looking for either a knitting circle or class. I've knit a couple of things but all really simple and now I want to knit a sweater but starting it is intimidating so I thought if I was part of a circle or if I signed up for a class it would help motivate me this winter.

    Any suggestions? Thanks for any suggestions you may have!

    - Katherine

    kifness at hotmail dot com

    1. Hey!
      Yeah, serious lack of LYS's in Lindsay aside from the Zellers... which will soon be gone. It makes me sad to see Lindsay like that because that is where I grew up. There are a lot of knit related activities and 3 great yarn shops in Peterborough that make up for the knitting drought in the surrounding area. I hope the sweater came out well for you, big projects are rough starting out (and they go on what feels like an eternity) but they are wonderfully rewarding when they are done!
      Cheers and I am SO sorry I was late in my reply! Winter was dull
