Friday 16 December 2011

Cabin fever

I'm starting to go a little crazy sitting still. This happens a lot where I start to get fed up with this town and everything in it and badly desire to load up the caravan and hit the road. It could be my gypsy nature compelling me to the road, or it could be that the politics of this town are starting to weigh heavily on me that are driving my desire to get away, but sadly I am stuck until it gets warmer.
I was supposed to be going to the little town of Combermere and seeing about some handspun yarn from the Madonna house, but plans have fallen through and here we are stuck here still. At least it gives me time to get some of my larger projects done (or at least started) such as the cabled poncho I've had sitting in Queue for the last 8 months and I'm still working on that monthly patch afghan (yay! 3 down 9 to go!) and I've been working on the schematics to a sweater and wristwarmer combo for my cosplay to Anime north in May. Thank the goddess I got my Yule knitting done with time to spare. I hope everyone will be very happy with what I've made them.
So I suppose since travel will not be happening for the next 4 months *sigh* I guess I'll bury myself in my work and try desperately to ignore the local yarn shop politics.
Cheers and blessed Yule!
Berlynn The knitting gypsy

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