Friday 27 July 2012


So I was cleaning up my stash the other day (never a good thing for a knitter to say!) and besides realizing that I had too many half balls, or hideous brown fuzzballs that have been donated to my knitting cause ( I found one that might be dog hair. Which is a little creepy because I don't have a dog!). So after tossing the tangles in the trash and putting some of the smaller skeins in the yard sale pile (which wasn't many) I was left with these 20 or so odd balls with varying colours and sizes. Now the problem of what to do with them?
I've already made a scrap wrap with my smallest leftovers and have made far too many scrappy scarves than I could possibly use. I suppose I could make more toys, especially since I'm teaching a workshop at the Peterborough Public library the end of November on them (YAY! I never thought I would ever be able to teach anyone anything and here I am leading a workshop! WOOT!) So I guess for right now I should be accumulating a list of toys to work on using my odd balls. It could work, but then there is the ever-looming paranoia that I'll run out of a colour... meh, I suppose for some of them it doesn't really matter what colour they are! So here goes nothing, Rainbow elephants and purple frogs here I come!
(Sigh* I really have to get out more!)
Berlynn The Knitting Gypsy

Sunday 15 July 2012

The continuing epic of the heartilly sweater

Its done! YIPIEE!!!! I finally finished it a few days ago and after trying it on, and doing some minor alterations (and some very unflattering photos of me wearing it) its ready and perfect! I strayed a little from diligently recording what I was doing as I was doing it and I feel its a little daft to test knit this pattern again, so I think this is a pattern I will pass on sharing. Its likely fraught with errors anyway.
I will however share photos when I wear it to the convention in August. I also decided to supplement the sweater with a crocheted, practical little shoulder bag with my leftover blue yarn which I will likely share the pattern for.

Since completing the (previously considered to be) never-ending  sweater, I find I just can't stick to one project. I seem to be suffering from a touch of the knitting/crocheting ADD again, and just can't seem to pick it up again.
I recently started on a pair of honeycomb mittens for local children through my LYS, but making mittens makes me think of winter and that makes me depressed. I still have a shrug on the go, but I have to backtrack and pick up a stitch, so it stays unfinished for now. I started to crochet another bag, this one of Full Metal Alchemist theme, but I really don't think that I should start on something else right now. Besides I still have a white mokona without any ears or limbs that I still have to finish up as well!
I guess this is what happens when I spend more time at my sewing machine than my knitting needles, but oh well. Sometimes a change up is good; just not in the middle of so many unfinished projects I suppose.

Well for now I hope that I can get back to at least the shrug and stick with it, it'll be nice to use right now, so I'm going to tell myself to tough it out regardless!
Berlynn, the knitting (and otherwise crafty) gypsy.