Monday 28 May 2012

The call of the wild

It has been so lovely out here! The sun is shining, birds are singing and I've been spending more and more time outdoors, especially now that my allergies are now going away! YIPIEEEEE!!!!! So now comes the time of year when I take my crafting outside, and yearn to go away from civilization. Right now my ideal getaway would be me and Dear Hubby away from the noise of cities and towns quietly camping in Algonquin park or something similar. No computers, no tv, no video games and nobody asking for favours. I would love to just bug out for a little while and concentrate on my knitting (my heartilly sweater, aka the neverending sweater is still in progress and the deadline is looming over me, and beginning to really stress me out!) or crochet (that's right, the knitting gypsy now swings both ways! Thanks to my wonderful sensei Christina, owner of the Pridie Collection in Peterborough.) in the quiet sanctity of the outdoors. I was really inspired by my ecotourism class at the college to get outside and be more adventurous, even if I haven't tent camped since I was 15. An experience ruined by sharing a tent with my kid sister who kick-boxes in her sleep. I've pretty much been strictly a vardo/ hotel kind of girl since then. Anyways, I found myself wandering around outdoors stores more so than my LYS lately, and so now I've been planning this great camping trip, which hopefully will come to fruition soon. For now I'll just keep dreaming of the wild while I keep going on the never ending sweater.
Happy Travels,
Berlynn The Knitting (and crocheting) Gypsy

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