Thursday, 27 October 2011

Relaxing in Cottage Country

Thank god for reading week sabbaticals. It gives us students a chance to get our stress levels back to neutral, finish that book we've been trying to finish reading since summer and catch up on 8 weeks of laundry at our parents house. For me I've taken the opportunity to get a jump on the many articles of Christmas knitting I have thoughtfully agreed to fulfill. So here I am at my mom's new digs along the Burnt River (quite the spectacular view but freezing as hell) working feverishly on hats until I run out of yarn or my fingers go numb. Whatever happens first.
So, on further exploration of the towns in the region in search of a LYS, you could well imagine my horror that there are NO yarn shops between Peterborough and Haliburton. Yes, that is a complete 50 km radius of no fibre related craft stores... unless you count the moderate selection available at Lindsay's Zellers store, but even that is pretty out of the way.
Now maybe I've just lived with all of the conveniences of the city too long, or maybe I'm just wrong in my theory, but in such peaceful surroundings such as this shouldn't there be at least 1 small town with a little yarn store?
I love it up here, (well I should, I'm from here originally) and the fact that there is no LYS anymore drives me nuts. Perhaps if I ever move back to this area I'll start one of my own! Ha ha! a brilliant idea and use of my business know-how! However I think I may need a more permanent set of wheels before I move to a place where I know I would suffer from yarn withdrawl.
Anyways a very relaxed cheers from me as next week its back to the rat races!
Berlynn The Knitting Gypsy

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