Saturday, 3 September 2011

Invasion of the nerdy knits!!!!

So my husband and I made another trek to Toronto, this time to take part in our first sci-fi convention. That's right, after nearly a year of working on costumes (sporadically. If I had  worked on it continually it may have only taken maybe a month?) We finally made it to Fan Expo! We cosplayed as Yamcha and Bulma from Dragonball, and took my little hand knit Puar with us, and to my surprise everybody that laid eyes on her gushed about how cute she was! *blushes* Even the voice actors thought it was cute! hee hee.
Anyways we went along the artists row, which I figured meant comic book or sketch only. but there were a fleet of fibre artists there too! There were people selling hand sewn plushies, crocheted amigurumis and even people selling knit kits to make their own scarves and plushies! I wanted one of these kits for a knitted Kraken, but knew I really didn't need more on my already overflowing plate. I'd ended up leaving the epic tabi socks at home, (as it was really hard to knit in gloves) but made up for it by completing my first sock! woo hoo! I have no idea why I was so freaked about the formula for creating socks, but I know for sure I'll be making more!
Also I've been working at my own version of Edward Elric's (See Full Metal alchemist) long red duster for the upcoming winter months and some of my Christmas presents... at least the ones I know what to make for them.
Plus I have to start switching to quicker projects soon because my last semester of school will be starting soon and I know how pissy the lecturers get when you knit in their presentations.
But I digress; its late, I have a cold and I'm unsure when I'll be able to blog again. Anyways here is a pic of my lovely Puar in her completed glory.
Until next time my friends,
Berlynn, the Knitting Gypsy

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