Sunday, 17 July 2011

The Caravan departs!

Well, Since I've last been around I finished my mysterious lady capelet for the Pridie Collection... though I was sort of indifferent about the results. I was thinking of frogging it and redoing it, but it serves its purpose of warm shoulders, so either way its not so bad. Perhaps after a season of enjoyment I'll try again.
This week I'll be packing up my gypsy caravan for the city of Kingston; a place that I haven't been in almost 10 years. Though the voyage is mainly for the purpose of my husband's health, I hope to get in a little perusal of what Kingston has to offer a nomadic knitter such as myself.
One place I intend to visit is Wool-Tyme; once the mecca chain store for knitters in Ontario (I used  to frequent the one in Peterborough for corking yarns as a girl)it is now reduced to a few obscure locations in some major cities. Though mostly for nostalgia's sake I do intend to search out a few balls of emerald green red heart for another fall cape I intend to make, and some stitch holders and markers as well (as all of mine seem to be occupied, and though a kilt pin does in a pinch, its far too heavy for anything delicate.).
I've seen reviews for other yarn shops just outside of the city, but I think one stop should be enough. Besides, we will probably need to spend some time taking in the sights too!
I'll be back after this voyage is though!
Berlynn, The Knitting Gypsy

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